by Auaha | Sep 29, 2020 | Planning, Strategy
Data Collection is big business. Like most people, there’s a good chance you’re seriously underestimating the wealth of data you can pull from an event. It’s time to explore how data collection at events can mean accessing untapped potential in ROI, securing...
by Auaha | Sep 22, 2020 | Oh-Ah-Ha Live, Top Tips
This week, we spice up our Oh-Ah-Ha Live blog and introduce you to the fun and creative side of the Event Industry. I know, we can all do with a bit of fun lately… . Let me tell you, there is never a dull moment when you’re in the room with Lizz Santos. Her...
by Auaha | Sep 7, 2020 | Behind the Scenes, Oh-Ah-Ha Live
Another two weeks have gone by and we continue to explore the amazing world of the Business Event Industry and the talented patchwork of people that form the building blocks. Today’s episode is the unexpected story of a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) brimming...