by Auaha | Mar 9, 2022 | Event technology
Haven’t got high expectations when it comes to the next virtual networking event? You may be in for a surprise. Because things have come a long way! I spy with my little eye… A virtual event that satisfies all your networking cravings. Not possible? I SAY IT IS!...
by Auaha | Aug 3, 2021 | Event technology, Oh-Ah-Ha Live
This Oh-Ah-Ha Live deviates from our usual interviews. This one is a solo-episode that delves into the framework and strategy of when you design a hybrid event. The year is 1914. Thomas Edison is standing in front of a massive inferno. His 10 buildings are going up...
by Auaha | Mar 25, 2021 | Conference Planning, Event technology, Oh-Ah-Ha Live
Greg Ward, virtual MC extraordinaire, isn’t afraid of a challenge or two. We hooked him for a korero in our Oh-Ah-Ha Live Series. Greg Ward can talk. Admittedly, it’s what you expect from a professional MC. After all, talking is the man’s livelihood. But what...
by Auaha | Mar 10, 2021 | Event technology, Oh-Ah-Ha Live
It’s time for an Oh-Ah-Ha Live kōrero with Claire Webber from Event Solutions. Event Tech is on the menu! It’s no secret, I’m a bit of a geek. And I think I have found my equal. Time to meet the ‘Mean Lean Event Tech Machine of Aotearoa’! I’m not joking. Claire...
by Auaha | Aug 3, 2020 | Conference Planning, Event technology, Planning
When your livelihood relies on regular business events to keep the sales funnel fed, a virtual event might be a great option in today’s world. But how do you decide whether your business needs a webinar or a virtual live event to get the results you want? Waiho i te...
by Auaha | May 4, 2020 | Event technology, Top Tips
In the last few months, we’ve experienced a level of rapid change that no one could have foreseen. At Auaha, we went from a schedule packed with exciting events, to having no live events scheduled till the end of the year. They’ve been either cancelled or postponed....
by Auaha | Apr 22, 2020 | Event technology
The world hasn’t stopped! What we’re living through right now is unprecedented, and things feel really strange. Families, schools, and businesses have done their best to find new rhythms, new ways of filling their days, and new opportunities to learn and grow in a...
by Auaha | Mar 24, 2020 | Event technology
Businesses are now facing the uncertainty of the unknown. That can be unsettling! Over here at Auaha, we are definitely feeling the effects of the Coronavirus. But even as we take precautions to minimise risk, we remain confident that conferences can still continue,...
by Auaha | Mar 11, 2020 | Event technology
One thing we consistently hear about from clients is the need to improve networking at conferences. Many event managers and conference organisers believe that networking is a tool that can be used to increase delegate interactions and overall engagement at their...
by Auaha | Feb 25, 2020 | Event technology
Apps are a pretty common part of all of our lives now. We use them for all manner of personal and business needs, and most of us have at least one app we couldn’t live without. But have you ever considered using an event app during a live event presentation? It...
by Auaha | Feb 11, 2020 | Event technology
In this digital age, new trends come and go in the blink of an eye. That can lead to stress and frustration for those in leadership positions. You may want to adapt, but you don’t always know what tools are worth learning. That’s why I’m so excited to share how an...
by Auaha | Nov 19, 2019 | Event technology
Anyone who has been involved with project management knows that task tracking and team communication are vital ingredients for success. And when you’re involved with event planning specifically, you know how many intricate (and essential) parts and pieces there...