About Women in Events and the pull of the Festival

About Women in Events and the pull of the Festival

Donna Buchanan from Women in Events NZ has a passion for people and rock’n roll. We kōrero about her journey, her experience and her ah-ha moments.  ‘I know it’s only rock’n roll but I like it.’ It’s a flaming shame the Rolling Stones put their names on these...
The Social Impact of Events: Shaking things up

The Social Impact of Events: Shaking things up

As the world is waking up to the idea that events offer value beyond just economics alone, Jessica Vandy is at the forefront of increasing awareness around the social impact of events.  Even before it has started, it’s clear that this kōrero with Sandra is going to be...
Spotlight on Zoom Etiquette: don’t be that person!

Spotlight on Zoom Etiquette: don’t be that person!

Some of us learned the hard way that winging it in the virtual meeting room doesn’t always end well. When it comes to online meetings, there are some basic recommendations that go a long way in making the right impressions. It’s time to brush up on your Zoom...